Tata Steel UISL Organizes Quiz Contest to Empower Jamshedpur Residents in the Fight Against Dengue

Jamshedpur, June 4, 2024: Tata Steel Utilities and Infrastructure Services Limited is taking a proactive stance in the battle against dengue, as the health and wellbeing of the community remain its top priority. The company is inviting all residents of Jamshedpur to participate in its dengue prevention campaign.

By participating in this contest, community members can not only contribute towards making their area safer but also get a chance to win excellent prizes. To participate, residents have to scan the QR code, answer the quiz questions correctly and be entered into a lucky draw to win exciting prizes like gift vouchers and latest gadgets.

This initiative aims to empower the people of Jamshedpur with knowledge and awareness, enabling them to play an active role in preventing the spread of dengue. Tata Steel UISL is committed to working alongside the community to combat this public health challenge.

Or click on below link – https://forms.office.com/r/JiJvESS4gG?origin=lprLink

For more information, contact [corpcomm.tatasteeluisl@tatasteel.com].